To continue their collective work after "If you feel the same way, get back to me sometime, ok?" Anne-Lene Nöldner and Mimi Wascher spent the month of August 2023 at Été78 in Brussels.

Throughout their residency they engage with the temporality and the rhythm of artistic freelance work by taking their emotional perception of time and their own schedules as a lens of perspective.

Physically, musically and visually they reflect on various depictions of the temporal organisation of their profession and zoom into the particular physical states of their constantly changing, highly fragmented spheres of life and work. How does it manifest in our bodies to constantly project into the distance, to be exposed to a never ending string of new beginnings or to experience breaks from employment which do not feel like taking a break at all?

Public sharing on September 01 2023
Time: 20:00 - 21:00
Location: Été78 - Rue de l'Été 78, 1050 Ixelles
When "freelance" first came into English in the early 1800s, it was used to refer to a medieval mercenary who would fight for whichever nation or person paid them the most.